Yesterday Robs4Crops partners took the first steps towards a real-life demonstration and evaluation of the Robs4Crops solution.
With more than 35 representatives, we were bridging the gap from the latest developments and preparing for the field work which is about to start in France, Greece, Spain and the Netherlands. We had the opportunity to hear from each of the Large Scale Pilot leaders on their progress, trials and challenges for the upcoming field work.
In France, we are working on vineyard and vegetable mechanical weeding with a CEOL robot. In Greece, our focus is on developing a CEOL and retrofitted tractor for spraying operations on table grapes. Apple orchards spraying with retrofitted tractors is the target of our work in Spain while in the Netherlands we are working on mechanical weeding. All of this is for the purpose of boosting the autonomy of the most demanding and repetitive field operations with our flexible and modular new-generation system.
Through an interactive virtual space, our consortium had a chance to network, discuss and share ideas. Robs4Crops Advisory Board joined us with inspiring presentations by Simon Blackmore and Slawomir Sander and heartfelt support from Viorel Marin.
The event was filled with thought-provoking speeches and discussions that are sure to inspire us in our work to come.